Hello there! Mr. Marshal has 9 boys.
To find the number of boys Mr. Marshal has, start by finding the ratio. If there are 6 boys and 14 girls, the boys to girls ratio is 6:14. Simplified, the ratio is 3:7. So, if there are 21 girls, you want to find how many boys there are. To find this, find what you need to multiply 7 by to get 21 by and multiply 3 by that number.
21/7 = 3.
So, now we multiply 3 by 3 to get the number of boys.
3 x 3 = 9.
This means there are 9 boys, with a ratio of 9:21. If we simplify this, we get 3:7, making this answer correct.
I hope this helps and have a great day!