1. ¿Qué desean Uds. de plato principal? < this means what do you want for the first course
David: ¿Podemos ver el menù? < this means "can we see the menu?"
Rocio: Si, por favor. < this means yes, please
2. ¿Como està la comida? < this means "how is the food?" we can say that they hypothetically ordered food as we did not state so in the previous answer
David: La comida esta la deliciosa!
Rocio: Necesita un poco de mas sal y pimienta, para mi gusto. < this means "i need a little more salt and pepper for me"
3. ¿Desean algo màs? < this means "do you need anything else?"
David: Si, un café con azùcar por favor. < this means "yes a coffee with sugar please"
Rocio: Un tenedor y una servilleta extra par el postre. < this means "an extra fork and napkin for the dessert please"
part B is cut off, do you need help? reply back if you need help so I get the notification