Answer: These are the right answers:
1. B) Equivocarse.
2. A) Lujo.
3. A) Entendimiento.
4. D) Maltrato.
5. B) Saludarse.
6. D) Cobardía.
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, and although there are some spelling mistakes in your question (for instance, it is not "controverain" but "controversia," and it is not "cobardin" but "cobardía" and not "valentin" but "valentía") as well as missing words (in question 5, option B should say "saludarse"), it can also be added that in this exercise they are asking you to choose the unrelated word in a series of synonymous words.
So, for instance, in question 6, they give you the word COURAGE, and the following options: hero, bravery, courage, and cowardy. Cowardy is not the same as courage, so that is the option that you must select.