Bonjour !
1: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
Quand on est malade, on va voir "un docteur".
2: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
Aïe, j'ai "mal" !
3: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
Il a de la "fièvre" sa température est haute.
4: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
L'infirmière prend ma "température".
5: Choose the most appropriate response to the following question.
Which does NOT belong in a hospital?
-le carrefour
6: Ce docteur travaille dans une "clinique".
7: Decide if the following statement is CORRECT or INCORRECT.
The French idiomatic expression: " être casse-pied " is the equivalent to the English expression: "to be a pain in the neck."
Decide if the following statement is CORRECT or INCORRECT.
"Avoir mal au coeur" means to be heartbroken.
9: Choose the most appropriate response to the following question.
What does "avoir mal à la gorge" mean in English?
- to have a sore throat
10: Decide if the following statement is CORRECT or INCORRECT.
"Ouille" means "ouch" in English.
12: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
J'éternue et j'ai "le nez qui coule" j'ai besoin d'un kleenex.
13: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
Ce docteur a beaucoup de "patients" c'est difficile d'avoir un rendez-vous.
14: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
Tu "as" mal au ventre?
Verbe "avoir" au présent :
tu as
il,elle,on a
nous avons
vous avez
ils,elles ont
15: Choose the most appropriate response to the following question.
Who would fix your "os cassé?"
- un médecin
16: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
Ils "ont" la grippe.
17: Choose the most appropriate response to the following question.
Where would you fill "une ordonnance?"
-la pharmacie
18: Fill in the blank with the French word(s) that best completes the sentence.
Le bébé a 105 degrés de température, il est très "malade".
19: Fill in the blank with the French word(s) that best completes the sentence.
Il a besoin "d'une opération" pour réparer sa jambe.
20: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
Elle ne peut pas aller à l'école, elle est malade, elle a "vomi" toute la nuit.
21: Decide if the following statement is CORRECT or INCORRECT.
"Avoir un chat dans la gorge" is the equivalent of "to have a frog in one's throat."
22: Decide if the following statement is correct or incorrect.
"J'ai mal au ventre" means "I have a headache."
23: Fill in the blank with the French word(s) that best completes the sentence.
J'ai la jambe cassée, j'ai besoin de vite aller "à l'hôpital" j'ai très mal.
24: Choose the most appropriate response to the following question.
Which is not a sign of an illness?
- mal au pied
25: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.
Les docteurs et les infirmières travaillent à "l'hôpital".