To find whether a fraction is bigger than the other, we need to make the denominators the same.
First we see what number we can change 3 and 7 into, so it can be made the same.
I chose the number 21 as 21 is in the 3 times tables and the 7 times tables.
Then because I multiplied 3 by 7 to make 21 , I multiply the numerator which is 2 by 7 as well which is 14.
This makes 14/21.
We need to multiply the numerator of the other fraction to because we multiplied the denominator by 3 so we do 4 multiplied by 3, to make 12.
This makes 12/21.
We can see here that 14/21 is greater than 12/21, therefore 2/3 is greater than 4/7.
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