
When both the electric field and the magnetic field are acting on the electron normal to the beam and normal to each other, the electric force and the magnetic force on the electron have opposite directions: in order to produce no deflection on the electron beam, the two forces must be equal in magnitude

q is the electron charge
E is the magnitude of the electric field
v is the electron speed
B is the magnitude of the magnetic field
Solving the formula for v, we find

2) 4.1 mm
When the electric field is removed, only the magnetic force acts on the electron, providing the centripetal force that keeps the electron in a circular path:

where m is the mass of the electron and r is the radius of the trajectory. Solving the formula for r, we find


The speed of the electron in the circular trajectory is equal to the ratio between the circumference of the orbit,
, and the period, T:

Solving the equation for T and using the results found in 1) and 2), we find the period of the orbit: