The essential tips while drafting a cover letter are:
1. Create a different cover letter for each job you are applying
2. In the first paragraph, start greeting
3. Include the hiring manger's name.
4. Craft the killer opening line to the hiring manager in the first sentence of the cover letter. “I am excited to apply for [ job] with [company name] ”
5. In the body of the cover letter, try to sell your skills and showcase your skills. Write more about your experience in a positive way. Don’t put much concentrate on your qualifications.
6. Try to get the attention of the hiring manager in your skills and in your experiences.
7. Finish with a strong note and keep it sweet and strong.
8. Add your signature at the end of cover letter
However, the cover letter should have no:
1. Any grammar or spelling error
2. Wrong information about company name or employer
3. Wrong information or fake information
4. Long paragraph
5. A negative comment about past or current employer
6. Salaries expectation
7. Irrelevant information related to the job and personal information
8. Your like and dislike about the job
9. Mentioning irrelevant or qualification that you don’t have
10. Whole resume in it
In addition, sentences in cover letter used should be:
1. Precise
2. Grammar and error-free
3. Showing your skills
4. Written in a way to get the attention of the hiring manager in your skills and in your experience.
5. Have sweet tones
6. Show a tone of professional and technical writing