Today, it has rained all day and the trenches are filling up with water. The mud is deep, and it is so hard to move around. I didn't get any dinner–when my back was turned, the biggest rat I have ever seen stole it from me.
Despite the weather, the enemy still managed to attack. We had to keep our gas masks on for hours, waiting for the poison gas to blow away. Some of the guys didn't get theirs on in time–they were having trouble breathing and were evacuated. After the gas, the enemy started pounding us with artillery fire. It was loud, and we were getting hit by pieces of rock and earth. We managed to hold off the attack today, but I am tired and anxious about what tomorrow might bring. It doesn't seem like anyone can win.
Include these in your writing:
1. The noises of warfare.
2. How you felt living in the trench.
3. Details about trench life such as the mud and rat infestations.
4. The dangers of enemy weapons such as poison gas.
5. The stalemate.