The correct answer is: Creating a loosely packed area of cells that enable other cells to migrate through
There are four types of tissue in humans: epithelilal, muscular, connective and nervous. Epithelial tissue or epithelium lines the outer surfaces of organs and blood vessels but also the inner surfaces of cavities in different internal organs. Functions of epithelial cells include:
- Protection-from radiation, toxins, pathogens
- Transcellular transport-exchange of chemicals between body cavities and tissue below them
- Sensing-e.g when the cells have cilia for mechano or thermosensation.
Depending on cell shape, epithelium can be divided into categories: squamous epithelium, cuboidal epithelium, columnar epithelium. Depending on layer number, all of them can be subdivided into: simple (one layer of cells) or stratified (with more layers).