Paraphrasing is the writing technique that helps a writer to avoid the constant use of what is known as direct-quotations, which means, using the exact words of another writer to expose an idea or support it. Paraphrasing is literally the use of a writers own words to express the main ideas he/she has gathered from a text that has been written by someone else. Paraphrasing is really important as it avoids the constant use of quotations, which impede the nice flow or reading. However, it is also risky to use when not done right, because it can turn into plagiarism. This is why, the main thing to remember about paraphrasing is this: you use your own words to express the main idea of the author whose text you wish to use.
In this particular excerpt, the correct way of paraphrasing this text would be thus: There is a tendency for students to believe that correct writing means always using quotations, especially when it has to do with a research paper. However, they forget that a good text is not one filled with quotations, as these should be minimally used (less than 10% in a text). Especially when taking notes, students should learn the lack of necessity of overusing quotations and directly transcribing information from texts, and learn to use paraphrasing.