The United State Constitution is the legal framework under which all other laws are created. In essence, the U.S Constituion was an agreement made between the citizens of the 13 American colonies represented by the Framers that established the guidelines for the way the newly formed United States would be governed. Signed in 1776, one of the main purposes of the Constitution was to establish the bases and framework of the government that would henceforth lead the nation. It is also important to know that an element of government is understood as the basic principles, or guidelines, that will conform a newly established government, which in this case would the newly formed U.S federal government. Probably one of the most important elements, aside from the establishment of the natural rights, Constitutional rights and equality for all citizens, is the establishment of the division of powers, given by the Constitution. In essence, this legal document stated that the U.S federal government would be divided into three brances of power, instead of being led by just one person, and instituted a system of check and balances that ensured that the power of government would not be centered into the hands of one person.