D. oil
Step-by-step explanation:
The economies of the countries that make up the Middle East are directly linked to the extraction and refining of oil. Sometimes this is practically the only source of revenue for certain countries. As the region is basically desert-poor, unsuitable for agriculture, the greatest wealth they possess is undoubtedly oil.
Despite its wide use, and its economic importance to the Middle East, the use and exploitation of oil can lead to various environmental disasters, especially in the event of a leak in the environment.
In situations of oil spills, the product spreads rapidly across the sea, contaminating the water and threatening the life of marine plants and animals. Plankton is the first species to be contaminated and as it feeds many fish, these animals are also rapidly poisoned and eventually die. This is a cycle that extends throughout the food chain.
Toxic oil compositions are also impregnated in the tissues of fish, mammals, turtles and other marine species, resulting in reproductive and brain disorders and preventing the regulation of body temperature - essential for the survival of the animals. In birds, oil accumulates in feathers, causing them to fail to swim and drown.