Europe was divided into two _alliances. These were called the (Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance). Members of each alliance promised to fight for each other if they were attacked . It would only take a small incident to spark a war involving all of (Europe). Germany had been trying to build the best navy and their empire. (Britain was Worried) about this. Both countries raced each other to build the best navy. There was tension between both countries. This cause is called ( militarism). The area to the southeast of (Austria-Hungary) was known as the Balkans. The area was very unstable. The European alliances had different ideas on how to deal with the problem. France was keen for(Revenge) on Germany. Germany had taken land from the French in 1871 and they wanted the land back. They said it had been (Stolen) from them by Germany. This is 100% right.Hope this helped