Consumers Complaints
a) Frequency and Percent Frequency of Complaints by Industry:
Industry Frequency % Frequency
Bank 26 13% (26/200)
Cable 44 22% (44/200)
Car 42 21% (42/200)
Cell 60 30% (60/200)
Collection 28 14% (28/200)
Total 200 100%
b) The Cellular Phone industry has the highest number of complaints.
c) The percentage frequency distribution of complaints shows that many consumers are not satisfied with the services of their cellular phone providers. This highest level of service dissatisfaction is followed by services rendered by Cable and Satellite Television Companies and Car dealers, in that order. Comparatively, less dissatisfaction was showed to Collection and Bank services.
a) Data and Calculations:
Bank 26
Cable 44
Car 42
Cell 60
Collection 28
Industry Frequency % Frequency
Bank 26 13% (26/200)
Cable 44 22% (44/200)
Car 42 21% (42/200)
Cell 60 30% (60/200)
Collection 28 14% (28/200)
Total 200 100%