One of the things that the Founding Fathers sought to prevent in their newly formed nation was the tyranny of the government over the people. They wanted to prevent power from being in the hands of just one person, or branch of government, and divide it, avoiding one power overtaking the others. They also wanted the people to have the power of decision and control, which is why, the framers of the U.S Constitution sought to ensure people´s rights by limiting the power of the federal government and distribute it through a system of check and balances. The principles that make part of the U.S Constitution as set by the Fathers are thus: Popular sovereignity, Federalism, Republicanism, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Limited Government and Individual Rights. Federalism, the principle we will explain, is basically the way that the Founding Fathers decided to both create a strong central government that ensured protection and commerce, but at the same time a government limited in its powers of control by having state governments that would better ensure the rights of the people. In Federalism, there is a strong central government but its power is limited by state governments who are entrusted with the protection and distribution of the law and the rights of citizens, so that power is not concentrated in the hands of the federal government alone. As such, while the federal government was entrusted with protection and commerce control, the state governments had powers unique to them such as the establisment of schools. But there is also a joint sharing of power between the states and the federal government in the form of taxation.