Make a list of issues in your area at the local or state level. Each partner or group member should list at least three examples. Local news sources can help you identify issues.
Choose one issue from your combined list to discuss. What are the different ways that government agencies could address the problem? Each partner or group member should list at least two policy ideas. Again, news or local organizations might be a source of ideas for potential solutions.
Analyze your ideas with the group. List the positives and negatives for at least two policy ideas. What are the good, or positive, aspects of this idea? What are the bad, or negative, aspects? Consider aspects like unintended outcomes, cost, the people needed. You can use a two-column chart for each idea.
Policy Solution Idea Name: ________________
Discuss which policy idea is the better solution. Use your charts.
Write a recommendation with your group in two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, describe the issue and why there is a problem. In the second paragraph, describe your chosen policy idea and why you chose it as the best solution. Make sure your recommendation includes the names of all group members.
For your S1 Collaboration Project, be sure to turn in:
Brainstorm list (local or state issues)
At least two policy idea analysis charts
Two-paragraph recommendation with all group members' names