To play soccer you need to be deft. If you are a good player other players choose you to play with you. In the field you have to be extemporizing all the time and trying to create new tricks to beat your adversaries.
When I was a teenager I was so happy when a professional team wanted me to play for them. The owner of the team stared at me incredulously before offering me a contract for one year becase he didn' believe I could play well. When I went to my first practice I heard a strident sound, it was a soccer ball kicked by my friend Carlos whom I met in school. Carlos was supercilious, cocky and played very well. Besides his parents bought him the best equipment in a contiguous store. Carlos' parents showed their hauteur since they came to the incessant practice in a limousine. We always heard the ceaseless sound of a factory near. They said that the owners were defunct and the workers put the factory to work again. The team trained very hard. We were harrowed by our couch. He wanted us to run. We played in winter where there were nebulous clouds and sometimes it rained really hard. There were all kinds of youngters playing in our team from different backgrounds. There was even a serf as many boys called Pedro since he didn't have any family living with him and he was living alone. There was a vestige of loneliness in Pedro but nobody wanted to ask him anything about his family. We made many dilatory maneuvers not to talk about that. Manuel came to play with us. He was very tall and had his thighs turgid. They looked like rocks. He had a portentous body. He was a fantastic player.