Bob Dylan became known as a folk singer in the 1960s, his music had great centrality in social protest. Which had great influence in the social and artistic context. By 1965 he was leaving behind folk and with his album "Highway 61 Revisited" he managed to become one of the most influential of the century by combining rock with literary compositions that had a great influence of surrealist imagery, this generated a great change in popular music. After this album, it was consolidated in rock and blues, also dabbled in new sounds such as country rock, gospel, etc. And it has covered religious themes. Their music and lyrics incorporated a variety of social, political, philosophical and literary topics that posed a challenge to existing conventional pop music and generally appealed to the emerging counterculture at the time. For this, in the 60's and 70's he has been recognized as a great poet, social critic and a great influence in the world of rock, music and counterculture.
I hope this can help you.Greetings.