Youth Violence Isn't Anything New
Youth violence is nothing new, children and adults between the ages of 10 and 24 are in a crisis. Our society has been overwhelmed with different types of abuse such as child, mental, and verbal. Along with these types of abuses, we are also overwhelemed with neglect, domestic violence, and many types of mental illnesses.
Step-by-step explanation:
Okay, so it looks great, but I'm gonna make a couple revisions.
- In the title, everything should be capitalized with a few exceptions with some words.
- I made some revisions to the sentences and the sentence structure.
- The numbers at the end of the paragraph don't really make sense, they kind of don't have an explanation. You just need to explain the statistic a little better.
- You also need to add more, depending on the type of essay you're writing, it should be around 300–1000 words if you're in high school.
Overall, it's good, I liked the word choice you used in the second sentence and I liked the way you added statistics as well.