Deserts and savannas cover almost half of the continent.
Step-by-step explanation:
Africa is a continent that is almost entirely covered with tropical landscapes, with only small isolated parts disturbing this. There are divisions into several different tropical regions, radiating north and south from the equator. At the equator and close to it there are tropical rainforests, followed by tropical dry forests, savanna, steppe, deserts, and Mediterranean landscapes.
The deserts and savannas occupy the most territory, and both of them combined cover around half of the entire continent. The deserts are found in the northern and southern parts of the continent, and they are the driest geographical regions of Africa. The savannas are found north and south of the tropical forests, and they are transitional regions between the semi-arid and arid on one side, and tropical rainforests and dry forests on the other side. The savannas are covered with grasses, though there are shrubs and trees scattered through it.