Answer: I highly suggest that you reword this but here it is...
Plants are beneficial to the lives of many species on Earth. They provide us with oxygen, while also reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Plant go through a process called "photosynthesis." This process allows them to take in carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight, and omit oxygen and glucose. Without plants, this process would only occur in microorganisms. By themselves, microorganisms do not have enough numbers and power to be able to provide enough oxygen for the rest of the species on the planet. All species that rely on oxygen would eventually perish.
Plants also prevent erosion. With their roots, plants hold down soil and stop the soil from moving. They provide structure and strength to the loose soil. If plants were not there to hold down soil, it would be entirely up to humans to provide structure in the soil.
Finally, plants are important to us because they provide us with a food source. Humans use plants as a major source of energy. We eat plants, and mass produce them to feed ourselves. Plants are also a major food source for other animals that we rely for food. Animals that we eat get there energy from plants. If we wiped out the complete bottom part of the food chain, none of the other animals would survive.
Overall, plants are beneficial to us in many ways. They provide us with energy, stop erosion, and give us oxygen. Without plants, it would be impossible for humans to survive, and we would eventually perish.