Complete Question:
Python Programming: Create a program that calculates three options for an appropriate tip to leave after a meal at a restaurant and repeats if the user enters "y" or "Y" to continue.
Print the name of the application "Tip Calculator"
- Get input from the user for "Cost of meal: "
- Calculate and display the "Tip Amount" and "Total Amount" at a tip_percent of 15%, 20%, and 25%.
- Use a FOR loop to iterate through the tip_percent
- The formula for calculating the tip amount is: tip = cost of meal * (tip percent / 100)
- The program should accept decimal entries like 52.31. Assume the user will enter valid data.
- The program should round the results to a maximum of two decimal places . At the "Continue? (y/n)" prompt, the program should continue only if the user enters “y” or “Y” to continue.
- Print "Bye!" or a salutation at the end of the program
Answered in Python
print("Tip Calculator")
tryagain = "y"
while tryagain == "y" or tryagain == "Y":
amount = float(input("Cost of Meal: "))
for tip_percent in range(15,26,5):
print("Tip Amount: "+str(round(tip_percent * amount/100,2)))
print("Total Amount: "+str(round(amount + (tip_percent * amount/100),2)))
tryagain = input("Continue?y/n: ")
Step-by-step explanation:
This prints the name of the calculator
print("Tip Calculator")
This initializes tryagain to yes
tryagain = "y"
While tryagain is yes, the following loop is repeated
while tryagain == "y" or tryagain == "Y":
This prompts user for amount of meal
amount = float(input("Cost of Meal: "))
This gets the tip_percent which is 15%, 20% and 25% respectively
for tip_percent in range(15,26,5):
This prints the tip_percent
This calculates and prints the tip amount rounded to 2 decimal places
print("Tip Amount: "+str(round(tip_percent * amount/100,2)))
This calculates and prints the total amount rounded to 2 decimal places
print("Total Amount: "+str(round(amount + (tip_percent * amount/100),2)))
This prompts user to continue or not
tryagain = input("Continue?y/n: ")
The program ends here