When experiencing the release as Jonas, the emotions and thoughts he expresses are that of someone who's betrayed. As a reader, while disgusted, we would not feel double-crossed as we have just entered this world and have placed no trust into the community. However, Jonas has lived within the community his entire life, and believed up until that very point that people who were "released" were simply sent to a better place. Watching an actual release removed the rose-colored glasses he had been wearing when viewing his government. Experiencing a release from Jonas' point of view puts weight on the reality of the death, instead of it simply being a third person, non-influential, act executed on a whole different group of people.
Step-by-step explanation:
I'm answering this under the assumption that the release spoken about in the question is the "Release," or where the government would kill off the lightest of twins, the elderly, or crime-doers.