We have 2 denominators that we need to get rid of. Whenever there are the denominators, all we have to do is multiply all whole equation with the denominators.
Our denominators are both 2 and x+1. Therefore, we multiply the whole equation by 2(x+1)
![(x)/(2)[2(x+1)]-(2)/(x+1)[2(x+1)] = 1[2(x+1)]](https://img.qammunity.org/2021/formulas/mathematics/college/s6rd8ry6icliefrxm2zuahu2gqnhqp42sj.png)
Then shorten the fractions.
![(x)/(2)[2(x+1)]-(2)/(x+1)[2(x+1)] = 1[2(x+1)]\\x(x+1)-2(2)=1(2x+2)](https://img.qammunity.org/2021/formulas/mathematics/college/2l61m9tkew2epew2ki6sa5oe34bq5fz49a.png)
Distribute in all.

We should get like this. Because the polynomial is 2-degree, I'd suggest you to move all terms to one place. Therefore, moving 2x+2 to another side and subtract.

We are almost there. All we have to do is, solving for x by factoring. (Although there are more than just factoring but factoring this polynomial is faster.)

Thus, the answer is x = 3, -2