Advantages:Solar:does not pollute,Renewable energy
Disadvantages:Expensive,Uses a lot of space
Disadvantages Wind:The wind is inconsistent,May reduce the local bird population
Advantages:unlimited, free, renewable resource
Biofuels Advantages:Cost-Benefit.
Disadvantage:Monoculture. Use of Fertilizers.
Nuclear fusion disadvantages:Scaling down the sun
Advantages:potential advantages of nuclear fusion energy are manifold, as it represents a long-term, sustainable, economic and safe energy source for electricity generation.
Fuel Cells:Advantages: Hydrogen fuel cells emit only water, so there are no carbon dioxide emissions and no air pollutants that create smog and cause health problems at the point of operation.
Disadvantages:fuel cells and electric motors are less durable than petrol engines and diesel engines, so they are not so long-lasting
Wave Power Advantages:Suitable to Certain Locations. The biggest disadvantage to getting your energy from the waves is location.
Effect on Marine Ecosystem
advantages:the energy is renewable
Geothermal Advantages:Environmentally Friendly. Geothermal energy is more environmentally friendly than conventional fuel sources such as coal and other fossil fuels.
disadvantages:Environmental issues. There is an abundance of greenhouse gases below the surface of the earth.
Coal disadvantage:The major disadvantage of coal is its negative impact on the environment.
Advantage:oal is easy to burn.Coal produces high energy upon combustion.
Oil :Advantages:Oil has High Energy Density. Oil is Easily Available.
Disagavantege:Oil is a non-renewable source of energy. Burning oil produces carbon dioxide gas
Natural Gases disadvantages:Gas is highly flammable, which means leaks can result in explosions.Natural gas is toxic.
Advantages:Natural gas is environmentally friendly because it burns cleaner than other fossil fuels.
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