During the Stone Age for example we have inventions of fire, language, tools, wheel. People were living in the outdoors, but then realized that caves could offer them protection and fire both protection and warmth.
Then during the period of first civilizations development of written letter, creation of first states, creation of social hierarchy.
Development of art and religion, but also trade links were also important improvements. Hammurabi code as a first code, introduction of democracy in Athens with the reforms of Solon and Cleisthenes.
During the 3rd Millennium BC on the soil of Mesopotamia first civilization emerged. With the introduction of irrigational system, people totally refocused their attention and started building permanent settlements, that later emerged as cities. Later, with the improvement of writing and trading system civilization evolved and built social hierarchy. During the Old Babylonian Empire Hammurabi introduced first Code. First city-states and later empires were built.